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. Are you all right,lad? Yes, I m. I ran my hand throughmy hair. I m fine.Great, actually.I mfantastic! What did she say?I crossed to the counter, still a littlestunned. It was a message.It said she son her way.She s coming back.Francine grinned ear to ear. Anamcara can t be parted for long.* * *The flying vehicle landed near the largedwelling with a roar. What do you suppose is happening?Keela asked. I hope Liam s female has come to hersenses and returned, Muireann answered. And I hope she takes him away to herworld right away so the Na Fir Ghormcan t hurt them anymore.Keela s eyes grew large. You wanthim to leave? I thought you fancied him.Muireann swam close to shore andrested on the rocky bottom, head abovewater. I do.I love him.That s why Iwant him to leave. That makes no sense at all, her sisterreplied, sliding next to her. Love doesn t make sense.Not humanlove anyway.It s all confusing andpainful.A man Muireann had never seen helpedLiam s female out of the vehicle.After shehad moved away from the machine, theman got back in and the thing roared andflew away.Liam s female stood still,looking from the dwelling to the trailleading to Liam s house, as if confused.Leaving her bag behind, she struck out onthe trail toward the woods. She s looking for him, Keelaremarked. I hope so, Muireann answered. You are really ready to give him upso easily? He s very pretty; I d have ahard time doing that. He s even prettier than his skin.Tears filled Muireann s eyes. And hewas never mine to surrender.He hasalways been hers.He always will be. Are they bound? No. Bound.Muireann s heart raced. Wait! That s it.If they are bound to eachother, then the Na Fir Ghorm will have tohonor that and not interfere. Muireannswam in a tight circle around her sister. You are brilliant! That s the solution!For the first time since the wagerbegan, Muireann felt like the couple stooda chance.Even the Na Fir Ghorm had tohonor an eternal bond.* * *All the things I wanted to say to Annaswirled through my head from the time Iheard the recorded phone message untilthe helicopter flew overhead.Now, Icouldn t recall any of them.Sprinting upthe path, my breathing drowned out thehelicopter engines as it lifted off andsoared out of sight.She was here, on Dòchas.Anna.I passed my house and stopped at thefork.The woods would be faster than thecliff-side trail, I decided.Just as Irounded the turn, I saw her.Well, morelike I leapt from the path in an effort to notcrash into her as she bolted out of thewoods.I stared up at her from where I dlanded in the brush.I d never seenanything so wild or wonderful.Her hairwas tangled with leaves from runningthrough the trees and she was breathinghard from exertion.We simply stared at each other, and Iunderstood.Words weren t necessary.She was here for me.All of me.I stood and pulled her close.She didn tresist or say a word, she simply foldedinto my body and melted against me, heartpounding in time to mine. I love you, I whispered into her hair. I couldn t stay away, she answered. Thank God.Anna, I m so sor She cut me off with a kiss. No.Noapologies.Not now.We both know itwithout saying it.I need you and you needme.That s all there is all there ll everbe.I entangled my fingers in the hair at thenape of her neck and kissed her.She washere, and real, and kissed me back withsuch passion, I grew dizzy.Nothing elsemattered.I d been given more time.Iwould live in the moment and savor everyprecious second as my dreams and realityintertwined.A twig snapped behind me.I pulledaway to find Edmond and Polly Byrnewith Megan McAlister.Megan s face wasfilthy, broken by clean streaks caused bytears. Can we speak with you, miss?Edmond asked. We saw the helicopter,so we were on our way to the mansion tosee you. o see yoAs if just startled from sleep, Annablinked hard, catching her breath.I almostchuckled.The Byrnes timing was asterrible as the Bean Sidhes.Anna took a deep breath, sighed, thenshrugged. Sure.Edmond shuffled on the path, eyes castdown. Well, it s kind of private. Heshifted his gaze to me and then back to thedirt.Anna squeezed my hand, then droppedit. Okay. She walked down the pathwith him until they were out of earshot.Polly shifted uneasily, avoiding eyecontact with me.Megan, however, studiedme from head to toe [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]