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.square.Black dutifully prepares for theAb7.-tb7 deployment.12.@e2This subtle lesson is brought out in My 13.adl White is also playing alongSyst , where Nimzowitsch describes basic principles by positioning his piecesvarious pawn structures as a "family to support the d5 advance.13.l:l,ad8tree" of the isolani.The pawn structures 14.Ag5g6 15.Ac4 fe8 16.felare related because they evolve from d5!? By maintaining control overd5one another, but we have seen that without actually occupying the outpost,there is no real head of the family.Black can keep his equilibrium.Thetext offers White the option of changThe Carlsbad structure evolves as the ing the pawn structure.17.d5 ed5game progresses, possibly through many This pawn structure could have comeinterrelated structures.The study of from the Carlsbad, producing the18.Ab5this formation reveals connections be balanced pawn structure.tween many pawn formations, a pointunderlined by Games 1 4 and 1 487which do not spring from the Carlsbad.Yet the pawn structure changes seen inthose games relate to the Carlsbad veryclosely, and at some point either gamecould be mistaken for an actualCarlsbad position.Our previous gamefeatures a number of structural changeswe've seen before, and the next is offered to further advance this complexsubject.The tactics resulting if Black now plays(148) Emms,J-Akesson,R18.ýÿg5 are beyond our scope, butCopenhagen 1996ce.r.tainly wortll, exploring.18.f6d5 4.d4l.e4 c5 2.c3 d5 3.ed5 e619.d2wf7 20.b4 d7 2t.e75.lt)f3 f6 6.Ae3 cd4 7.cd4 Wee7 22.ed2 de8 23.l:l,e7 l:l,e7now classic isolani.Whitehave the24.tff4 Positioning the to supportshould tempi since theexpect to gainthe weak pawn while harassing theis not blockader will, but Blacka goodBlack ýÿ.Yet this outpost cannot bekeep control of the important d51 ne oa1ancea rawn rucmreI l lmaintained, and she must retreat toNow the Botvinnik maneuver is initisustain any winning chances in theated in the center, and so begins theposition.24.wg7 25.l:Icl c7clash of ideas within the Carlsbad.d326.d2 d6 27.h3 dB 28.A Black has decided to build a fortress for,btc7 29.c7 Vc7 30.1fte3 Vd6 his ýÿ in the center, which adds more3l.h2 c8 32.fl e6 33.g3 spice to the position - for both sides.'trf4 34.e2 ffe3 35.fe3 Another 15.b5 With his own ýÿ barracadedpawn structure change to catalog.in the center, Black can freely attack.c7 36.c,Yf2 Aa6 37.Aa6 the White monarch.16.bt ffb635ýÿa6 38.f4 c7 39.g4 wf7 17.cl a5 18.e4 Focusing on his40.wf3 g5 41.e2 e8 42.c3 pawn structure transformation.Whiche6 43.b3 d6 44.a4 a6 45.e4 pawn structure has Reshevsky prewde4 46.e4 Finally a passed pawn is pared for with his preceding moves ?created, but the specifics of this ending 18./Qg6 19.ed5 The answer is thelead to a draw.46.e8 47.we3 c7 balanced formation.Had Black ex4s.wd3 d5 49.wc4 e3 so.wd3 changed with 18.de4, White wouldýÿd5 51.a5 ba5 52.wc4 e3 have the option of hanging pawns.The53.wc5 h6 54.wc6 c2 55.c.Yc5 isolani might even be better due toýÿe3 56.Wc6 c2 57.wc5, 1/2-1/2 Black's weak c6 pawn.Ergo, Blackwas essentially forced to accept theOur next game is a true Carlsbad, in balanced pawn formation.19.d5which the pawn structure changes flow 20.d5 cd5 Or 20.ýÿd5 2l.liJc3according to the rhythm of attack.d4 22.d5 dS 23.c6 c624.l:C6 b4 25.el and White's position is overwhelming.21.c3 b4( 1 49) Reshevsky, S imonson,A22./Qb5 Once again we see the princiNew York 1951ple of attack and defense in action.l.d4 d5 2.c4 e6 3.c3 f6 4.cd522.f8 23./Qc7.t:[d8 24.t:[celd57.Ae 5.Ag5 7 6.e3 c6 d3/Qf4 White was threatening 25.e6Ad6 s./Qge2 h6 9.Ah4 g5 10.Ag3fe6 26.g6 winning a piece.25.Af4Ae7 ll.h4.t:[g8 12.hg5 hg5gf4 26./Qe6 fe6 The structure is al13.@c2 /Qf8 14.0-0-0 e6 15.f3tered further, and this new backwardpawn gives White another target for hisgathering initiative.Black's ýÿ begins totofeel the effects of his early decisionremain in the center.27.h6 U,d628.c8 @dB 29.c1 Ag5 30.t:[he6ýÿe6 3t.:e6 f7 32.1:1e5 ,bleB33.Df5g7 34.c6 Del 35.c21fte7 36.Dd5De2 37.wb3, 1-0Below is an interesting pawn structure.experiment by Alekhine1Vl lUUl game uategy1 112.a4?! a5 is an idea reviewed in the( 150) Alekhine,A-Lasker, Emminority attack.Black achieved someNew York 1924advantage on the Queenside by con3.ýÿf3 t0f6 4.ýÿc3t.d4 d5 2.c4 e6trolling the b4 square in Torre,Eýÿ 7 5.cd5 ed5 6.Af4 c6 7.e3Larsen,B Bugojno 1984.Another pathýÿh5 8.Ad3 8.ýÿg3!? 8.ýÿf4 9.ef4is l l.b4 e8 12.f3 (So our mainAd6 Alekhine's original intention wasgame's novelty is really less than radiro now play lO.llJeS, according to hiscal) 12.a5 13.l:tbl ab4 14.ab4 ýÿe6own notes, but the "hostile reply" of15.ýÿc2 ýÿd7 16.g4 as in Christian10.ýÿh4 prevented him from doing so.sen,L-Kavalek,L Los Angeles 1987.He criticizes his inconsistent and vacilFinally, ll.'Llf4 a6!? 12.b4 (12.d2!?lating play in this game.10.g3 0-0-Larsen) 12.'Llb5 13.b5?! Ths pawn11.0-0 e8 12.c2 ýÿf8 13.ýÿdlstructure change only benefits Black.13.fel!? 13.f6 14.ýÿe3 Ae613.ab5 14.b2 fS 15.f3 Again this15.ýÿh4?! Alekhine's comment here ismaneuver! 15.ýÿd6 16.el e8 wasinteresting in view of his strong attackRamayrat,C-Larsen,B New York 1986 [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]