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.Douglas Watt complained aboutMeyer suggests that Von Berg is depicted as an“an indulgence in philosophical claptrap,” Robertironic “Christian savior.” Estelle Aden explores theBrustein, the play’s “noisy virtue and moral flatu-play’s contemporary relevance at the beginning oflence,” and John McCarten its lack of “dramaticthe 21st century, and CHRISTOPHER BIGSBY empha-flair,” and “stilted” dialogue.J.W.Lambert foundsizes the play’s motif of waiting and makes compari-the characterizations too stereotyped, and Henrysons to SAMUEL BECKETT, Franz Kafka, and ALBERTPopkin accused Miller of presenting a “ritualizedCAMUS.He also takes issue with three of the play’sdiscovery of evil in a haze of facile small talk.” Theharsher critics: Rahv, Epstein, and Brustein.play has seen few revivals.CHARACTERSSCHOLARSHIPBayard One of the initial detainees, in his twen-Scholarship on Incident at Vichy is limited, and ties, Bayard is an electrician and a communistsome of it is highly critical, but the play is dis-supporter who feels he has been betrayed by thecussed in most general books on Miller.HaroldFrench bourgeoisie.Yet the Soviet communistsClurman’s director notes were published andhave been of little support to France, and it isinclude first impressions, character breakdowns,unsurprising that they are unreceptive to party pol-and conversations surrounding its premiere perfor-itics.He believes in a future victory for the workersmance.In the past, scholars considered its moralbut has blinded himself to what workers can do,arguments regarding the Holocaust, including Law-for Nazis are a working-class party.Poor but clean,rence Langer, who applauds Miller’s disseminationhe offers a contrast to the bearded and unkemptof blame, and Ellen Schiff, who explores what theLebeau.He is the austere worker against Lebeauplay’s characters suggest about Jewish identity.Law-the effete artist, but their fates will be the samerence Lowenthal and others have offered Sartreanat the hands of the Nazis.Also Jewish, he knowsreadings considering the play’s existential aspectsfrom working at the train yards what is going on.that explore concepts of the Other, innocence,He realizes that Polish engineers are taking Jewishand choice.Among the play’s detractors are Philipprisoners back to Poland, and at the very least, theRahv and Leslie Epstein.Rahv rejects the end-prisoners are being put to hard labor.He does noting as “melodramatic contrivance” and Epstein asbelieve the rumors of resettlement, and stealing“gratuitous, unmotivated” and “phony.” But whilethe handle from the gypsy’s pot shows that he is023-354_Miller-p2.indd 2085/3/07 12:52:37 PMIncident at Vichy 209prepared to fight, getting a tool to help him escapeplays the piano, speaks good French, and is usuallyfrom the railcar.a pleasant man.Unfit for fighting, he has been sentto oversee the rounding up of Jews in Vichy France,Lebeau Another detainee, 25-year-old Jew-a task that he finds demeaning and offensive, butish painter Lebeau’s family was offered U.S.visashe is too fearful to refuse.He drinks heavily toin 1939, but his parents were reluctant to leavesoothe his distress, but he feels morally challengedbehind all their possessions, and so the familyby Leduc.His discomfort is emphasized by the waystayed.Knowing that the Nazis are looking forhe so often ignores the detainees when they tryJews, although he has false papers saying that he isto talk to him and by his resulting anger againstnot Jewish, Lebeau usually stays indoors to be safe.Leduc.A moral coward, his response to Von Berg’sHowever, as a painter, he felt the need to get outact of responsibility is both anger and confusion.and see something new, but he was picked up byHoffman while walking.He had his nose, mouth,Marchand One of the initial detainees, March-and ears measured, was brought to this detentionand, is a well-dressed businessman who is impa-center for further interviews, and remains in a statetient to leave.He has papers to say that he is notof panic for most of the play.He is weak from hun-Jewish and is released by the officers.Whether orger, not having eaten since the day before, and henot he is Jewish is left unsaid, and while the othersis bedraggled, not having shaved in a while and histhought him Jewish like themselves, they, like theclothing a mess.Uncertain of himself, he hopesNazis, were judging by appearances.He shows nothat his papers will convince them that he is notfear facing his captures or asking for a phone to letJewish.He has Bayard check them for authenticity,people know that he will be late for meetings, andrecognizing Bayard as someone who is more in theit may just be this bravado that effects his release,know.He has been driven to a point where he hasas he plays up his connections to the ministry oflost touch with himself and is even beginning tosupply.believe the Nazi opinion of Jews.He would like toresist but physically and psychologically no longerMonceau Another detainee is 28-year-old actorhas the strength.Monceau who is initially the cheerful optimist.Heis elegant but has fallen on hard times.A travelingLeduc A trained psychiatrist, Leduc has been inactor who plays leading roles, he used these skillshiding with his wife and two young children outsidewhen he was stopped before and managed to brazenof town because they are aware that Jews are beingit out.While in Paris, he tried to rid himself of books collected.He came into town to find medicine forthat he owned that had been banned by the Nazis byhis wife’s toothache and was picked up on entry.Hisleaving them around the city.Having done this, heprofession makes him question everyone’s motives,realized that his name and address was inside eachand he is constantly seeking a better understandingone and quickly left town.Although Monceau nowof the mindsets of his fellow detainees [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]