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.in such a way that theparticipation of I.G.in these firms was not shown.In the course ofwere sold under conditions which, supposedly, were to preventtime the system became more and more perfect.them from reverting to German control.In the field of chemicalsProtective measures to be taken by I.G.for the eventuality ofand pharmaceuticals, however, this goal was completely[another] war should not substantially interfere with the conduct ofthwarted.Within a few years, all of these companies were backbusiness in normal times.For a variety of reasons, it is of the utmostunder Farben ownership or control even more firmly than beforeimportance.that the officials heading the agent firms, which arethe war.particularly well qualified to serve as cloaks, should be citizens ofthe countries where they reside.(1)One of the key figures in administering the disposition of thisproperty was Earl McClintock, an attorney for the Alien PropertyThis memorandum sheds considerable light on previousCustodian's office.McClintock later was hired (rewarded?) byevents.On October 30, 1939, the directors of American I.G.one of the cartel companies, Sterling Products, at several times the(including Walter Teagle of Rockefeller's Standard Oil, Charlessalary he had earned on the government payroll.Mitchell of Rockefeller's National City Bank, Paul Warburg of theIt was during this period that Farben experienced its greatestFederal Reserve System, Edsel Ford, William Weiss, Adolphexpansion in the United States.Sterling organized WinthropKuttroff, Herman Metz, Carl Bosch, Wilfried Greif, and HermannChemical.They brought DuPont into half interest of the Bayer Schmitz, who also had been president of American I.G.)Semesan Company.The American I.G.Chemical Company trans- announced that their company had ceased to exist.It had beenabsorbed by one of its subsidiaries, the General Analine Works.formed itself several times and, in the process, absorbed theFurthermore, the newly dominant company was changing itsGrasselli Dyestuff Company, which had been a major purchasername to the General Analine and Film Corporation.The deadof former German properties.Sterling acquired numerous patentgive-away letters "IG" had vanished altogether."remedies" such as Fletcher's Castoria and Phillip's Milk-of-Magnesia.With Lewis K.Liggett they formed Drug, Incorpo- Nothing had changed except the name.Exactly the samerated, a holding company for Sterling, Bayer, Winthrop, United board of directors had served both companies since 1929.Lateron, as the system to "tarn" became "more and more perfect,"Drug, and Rexall-Liggett Drugstores.They bought BristolHermann Schmitz was replaced as president of General AnalineMeyers, makers of Sal Hepatica; Vick Chemical Company;by his brother Dietrich who was an American citizen.But evenEdward J.Noble's Life Savers, Incorporated; and many others.Bythat was too obvious so, by 1941, Dietrich was replaced bythe time the Nazis began to tool up for war in Europe, Farben hadeasy-going Judge John E.Mack of Poughkeepsie, New York.obtained control over a major segment of America's pharmaceuti-Mack was not qualified to lead such a giant conglomerate, but hecal industry.Investment in both the arts of wounding and healingeasily could be told what to do by those on the board and byalways have been a dominant feature of cartel development, forstrategically-placed advisors and assistants.His prime value wasthe profit potential is greater in these respective fields than in anyin his name and reputation.Known to be an intimate friend ofother.When one wishes to wage a war or regain his health, hePresident Roosevelt, he brought to GAF an aura of Americanseldom questions the price.respectability.The obviously German names on the board wereWhen Farben's extensive files fell into the hands of Americanreplaced by names of similar American prestige - such astroops at the end of World War II, they were turned over to theAmbassador William C [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]