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.system, such as a network operating system OS/2 supports true preemptive multi-(NOS).tasking, multiple threads, flat (i.e., non-In addition to the responsibilities of an segmented) memory addressing, an object-ordinary operating system, a NOS must be oriented graphical user interface (GUI),able to do the following: various types of networking, and installablefile systems.A major benefit of true multi-Provide access to files and resourcestasking is that crashing an application will(for example, printers) on the networkcrash only that one application, and will notProvide messaging and/or electronic- freeze the entire machine.Other tasks willmail (e-mail) services continue executing.Enable nodes on the network to com-File System Supportmunicate with each otherSupport for the file allocation table (FAT)Support interprocess communicationsbased system used in DOS, and OS/2 s own(IPC), which enable processes on theHPFS (High-Performance File System) isnetwork to communicate with eachbuilt into OS/2.The system can also supportotheradd-on file systems, such as a CDFS(CD-ROM file system).Respond to requests from applicationsThe HPFS has two particularly useful fea-or users on the networktures: long names and extended attributes.Map requests and paths to the appro-HPFS names can be up to 254 characterspriate places on the networkand can include spaces.The extendedattributes feature can be used to associateThe NOS may actually perform the regu-whatever information or properties arelar operating system s duties, or it may relyappropriate for a file.For example, icons,on the native operating system to carryversion or other special information, andthese out.resources used for the file can be stored inthe extended attributes.An extendedOS/2attribute can even be another file.TheseOS/2 or OS/2 Warp, as the latest versionattractive features can cause compatibilityis called is a 32-bit operating systemproblems, however.DOS and Microsoftfor Intel-based machines.The system wasWindows programs won t be able to useoriginally developed jointly by IBM andHPFS files.OS/2 743OS/2 s Workplace Shell provides a power- programs, and a report generator in a sin-aful object-oriented GUI that integrates the gle package.Collectively, the applicationscapabilities of both the Microsoft Windows may not be as powerful as those included inbProgram and File Manager.Being object- the integrated office packages by Lotuscbased, the Workplace Shell knows how to (SmartSuite), Microsoft (Office and Officemanipulate various types of elements (such Professional), and Novell (PerfectOffice).das text or data files, icons, applications, and Nevertheless, each application is a full-devices), and can be taught to handle others.featured and fully-functional exampleeREXX is a command and macro program- of its genre.fming language, which can be used to write The Bonus Pak also includes a multime-scripts and enhance the Workplace Shell.dia viewer, which can handle image, video,gand sound files.The viewer will call theOS/2 Interfaces and Resourcesappropriate component to display or play hnon-text material that appears in a programREXX is a command and macro languageior file.that is included with OS/2.In fact, REXXSeveral of the added resources have to dojis a full-fledged programming language, sowith networking or other forms of telecom-you can use it to write scripts that are muchkmunication.These resources include:more complex and sophisticated than thebatch files that DOS supports.Such scriptslHyperACCESS Lite, which is a generalcan help enhance the Workplace Shell orcommunications program that canmmake the user s work easier in other ways.serve as a front end for connectionsVersion 3 that is, OS/2 Warp alsoto online services or bulletin boardnincludes a Bonus Pak of resources that helpsystems (BBSs).omake the OS/2 environment more intelligentFaxWorks for OS/2, which providesand more capable.Properly used, such fea-pthe ability to send, receive, view,tures can also make the user more useful andmanipulate, and print.(surprise,more capable.For example, the Bonus Pakqsurprise) faxes.includes a Personal Information Managerr(PIM), which provides many of the elementsCIM (CompuServe Information Man-you need to organize your life at least onager) for OS/2, which can providesdisk.The PIM includes a phone book, a cal-access to CompuServe s onlineendar, and an appointment scheduler; it hastservices.a daily planner, note pad, and a to-do list.uInternet Connection Services, whichThere is even a program, called Event Moni-provide the software needed to con-tor, that will sound alarms and even carryvnect to the Internet over a modemout automated tasks for you [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]