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.Ï% ×ø Windows NT Challenge/Response: Also calledNTLM (for NT LAN Manager); a secure authenti­ HP s Mobile AAA Server runs on HP-UX and can pro-cation method used in Microsoft Windows NT and vide AAA requirements for mobile IP data servicessupported by later versions of the Windows operat­ including 3G cellular systems.It includes a Lightweighting system Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) directory and ses­sion management tools.These and several other authentication methods are dis­cussed in more detail in separate articles in this book.The Internet Authentication Services (IAS) componentof Microsoft Windows operating systems also providesSee Also: address-based authentication, anonymousAAA services for virtual private network (VPN) remoteaccess, Basic authentication, biometric identification,access through its implementation of the Remote Authen­certificate-based authentication, Digest authentication,tication Dial-In User Service (RADIUS) protocol.Kerberos, smart card, Windows NT Challenge/Response For More InformationFor more information about the RADIUS protocol, seethe Microsoft Encyclopedia of Networking, Second Edi Authentication, Authorization,tion, available from Microsoft Press.and Accounting (AAA)See Also: authentication, authorizationA security framework for controlling access to networkresources.Authentication Header (AH)OverviewA security protocol that provides authentication ser­Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting (AAA),vices for Internet Protocol Security (IPSec).or Triple-A, is a security framework that performs threefunctions:OverviewAuthentication Header (AH) ensures that Internet Pro­Ï% Authentication: Defining who can access a networktocol (IP) packets have not been tampered with duringÏ% ×ø Authorization: Determining what a user canIPSec sessions.It does this by acting like a digitalaccess once authenticatedsignature for the packet, thereby ensuring data integrity.AH can be used either by itself or together with theÏ% ×ø Accounting: Keeping a record of what the userEncapsulating Security Payload (ESP) protocol if datadoes once authenticated and authorizedintegrity is required.AH can optionally providereplay-detection services but does not provide data32 authentication package Authenticode Aencryption or decryption services.AH is described in Ï% ×ø MSV1_0 Authentication Package, included withRFC 2402.Microsoft Windows platforms for Windows NT3.51 and laterImplementationAt the packet level, AH is implemented differently Ï% ×ø Kerberos SSP/AP, included with Windows 2000depending on how IPSec is configured to be used.and Windows XP ProfessionalSpecifically, when IPSec is running in transport mode,See Also: authenticationthe AH header follows the IP header and precedes theTransmission Control Protocol (TCP) or User Data-authentication server (AS)gram Protocol (UDP) header.When tunnel mode isOne of two types of servers in a Kerberos key distribu­used instead (not common), the AH header is placedtion center (KDC).between the new and original IP headers.OverviewAH authentication is performed using a keyed messageIn a Kerberos implementation, the KDC employs twoauthentication code (MAC) or hash-based messagetypes of servers: the ticket-granting server (TGS) andauthentication code (HMAC).The authentication algo­the authentication server (AS).The AS performs therithms usually used are either HMAC using MD5 orinitial step of authenticating users to the TGS, whichHMAC using SHA-1.then performs the subsequent step of authenticatingSee Also: Encapsulating Security Payload (ESP),users to protected services.This two-stage approachhash-based message authentication code (HMAC),precludes users from the need to reenter their passwordInternet Protocol Security (IPSec), MD5, messageeach time they want to access a service.authentication code (MAC), Secure Hash Algorithm-1See Also: Kerberos, key distribution center (KDC),(SHA-1)ticket-granting server (TGS)authentication packageAuthenticodeCode that encapsulates the logic used for authenticat­A feature of Microsoft Internet Explorer that enablesing users.users to know that software they download can beOverviewtrusted.In Microsoft Windows operating systems, authentica­Overviewtion packages are implemented as dynamic link librar­Authenticode is a mechanism that allows digital certifi­ies (DLLs) and are used to implement features ofcates to be attached to software downloaded from thesecurity protocols.When the local security authorityInternet, especially ActiveX controls, cabinet files, exe­(LSA) receives a logon request, it authenticates the usercutable files, dynamic link libraries (DLLs), and cata­by loading the appropriate authentication packagelog files.When a user tries to download a signedbased on information contained in the system Registry.ActiveX control, a message appears indicating that theThe authentication package then determines whethercode originates with the developer and has not beenthe user should be allowed to log on to the system oraltered by any third party.The user then decidesnetwork, establishes a new logon session for the user,whether to accept the message and download and runand passes information to the LSA that enables it tothe control, or reject it.generate a security token for the user [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]